Customer Charter - Culture at Vincent Finnegan Ltd.



We are committed to the vision, mission, rules and goals and success of Vincent Finnegan Limited, its current and future team, and its clients at all times.



We are truly responsible for our actions and own everything that takes place in our work and our life.



We always speak the truth and only deal with genuine offers.

  • We only make agreements we are willing and intend to keep.
  • We communicate any potential broken agreement at the first opportunity, i.e. we try to troubleshoot before the problem happens.
  • We will clear up all broken agreements and misunderstandings immediately.



Good enough, isn't. We will always deliver our firms services with the utmost of professionalism and add value to our clients. We will always look out for possible ways of improvement and innovation, whilst staying on a path of consistency.



We will always speak positively of our clients, both in public and in private.

  • We will speak with good purpose, using empowering and positive conversation.
  • We will never use or listen to profanity, sarcasm or gossip.
  • We will acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment.
  • We will take responsibility for responses to our communication.
  • We will greet and farewell people using their name.
  • We will always apologise for any upsets first and then look for a solution.
  • We will only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.



We will always focus our attention on the successful outcome of what ever we are doing. We will have a willingness to win and allow others to win, i.e. a win win situation. We will display pride, prosperity, competence and professional confidence.



We are always willing to learn from our mistakes. We will always strive to learn, grow, master so that we can help our fellow team members and clients learn, grow and master too. We will always act as an guide to allow our clients to make their own intelligent decisions about their future, remembering that it is their future. We will impart practical, useful knowledge, rather than just theory.



We will be willing to do whatever it takes to stay together and achieve team goals. We will focus on co-operation and always come to a resolution, not a compromise. We will be flexible in our work, able to change if what we're doing is not working. We will ask for help when we need it and be compassionate to others who ask us for help.



We will have a balanced approach to life, remembering that our spiritual, social and physical and family aspects are just as important as our financial and intellectual ones.



We view our life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated and will help to create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around us can enjoy it as well.



We will always look to the system for a solution, if a problem arises, we will look for a system correction before we look for a people correction. We will follow the system exactly until a new system is introduced. We will suggest system improvements at our first opportunity.



We will be consistent in our actions, so that our customers can feel comfortable in dealing with us at all times.



We are truly grateful people. We say thank you and show appreciation often. We celebrate our wins and the wins of our customers and team. We consistently catch ourselves and other people doing things right.



We are abundant people, we deserve our abundance and we are easily able to give and receive it. We allow abundance in all areas of our life by respecting our own self worth and that of all others.


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